“Winning Higher Ed Social Media Engagement”- The Webinar

October 20, 2016

“Winning Higher Ed Social Media Engagement”- The Webinar

tag digital marketing | digital media | digital strategy for higher ed | higher education
“Winning Higher Ed Social Media Engagement”- The Webinar

You work hard to boost social media engagement, but it can be frustrating. Algorithms change, networks come and go, and trends change with the wind. How do you engage your fans and turn them into advocates?

We’re excited to announce our “Winning Higher Ed Social Media Engagement” webinar, co-presented with Rival IQ. We’ll talk a little about the report we co-produced, and then look beyond the report to focus on how you can increase social engagement in higher ed.

We’ll be presenting it twice in the next few weeks, so if you miss one, you can catch the other!

Jeremiah Barba, Digital Marketing Manager, Up&Up
Seth Bridges, Co-Founder, Rival IQ

When & Where:
October 27, 2:00 PM EST– Hosted by Kasandrea Sereno, founder of the #HigherEdSocial Facebook Group.

November 2, 2:00 PM EST– Hosted by Up&Up and Rival IQ

-How the higher ed social media engagement report was created
-Best practices from top performers
-How small changes can lead to big improvements
-A plethora of tips for unlocking more engagement

Hope you can join us!